SoftHSM 1.2.0
SoftHSM v1.2.0 has now been released
Changes in this release:
- Added mechanism CKM_RSA_X_509 (use Botan 1.9.7 to fix a bug when verifying these signatures)
- The softhsm command now have the option –module. To use a PKCS#11 library other than SoftHSM.
- The softhsm command now import all parts of the RSA key. CKA_EXPONENT_1, CKA_EXPONENT_2, and CKA_COEFFICIENT is not needed by SoftHSM but might be needed by other HSM:s.
- Ticket #163: softhsm-keyconv now support BIND format v1.3
- Write message to stderr when the config file cannot be found
- CKA_WRAP_WITH_TRUSTED was not handled correctly. But it has not been a problem since wrapping is not supported.
- C_GetInfo now returns CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED if library is not initialized.
- Force clean up if the app does not do C_Finalize (using auto_ptr)
- Limit the scope of the session objects to the owner application
- softhsm –optimize will clean up leftovers (session objects) from applications that haven’t closed down properly.
- Do not use CKF_HW, the mechanisms are not performed by a device.
- The ulMinKeySize and ulMaxKeySize are not used for the digesting mechanisms, but we set them to zero for applications that forget this.
- Used wrong buffer size for signatures. This was only a problem for keys where (key size % 8 == 1), e.g. 1025 bit keys.
Download the tarball from: softhsm-1.2.0.tar.gz
(We are also working on SoftHSM v2.0 and should have a test version in the near future)
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